What if you could respond more effectively to stress and anxiety so you could thrive amid life’s chaos?


  • You could manage busyness without ignoring stress to the point you always feel ready to explode

  • You no longer yelled at the kids because their room was messy or broke down when your boss gave you another deadline?

  • You could incorporate easy-to-action techniques in your daily routine (yes, even when cooking!)

  • You could save money and time on all the books, therapy sessions, and podcasts you’ve never stuck to?

  • You could prioritise support before stress became a physical health problem?

  • And what if you could get that support without feeling guilt or shame?

What if you no longer put stress on the backburner because you finally found a way to manage stress that was not only convenient, it actually worked?


You know that to take back control of your life and experience more calm, you need to find a way to live with stress and anxiety


  • Ignoring signs of stress and anxiety causing them to build up and fester

  • Trying to get rid of all the things that make you feel stressed or anxious

  • Blaming others for your (over)reactions because you’re walking around agitated

  • Telling yourself you don’t have time to deal with stress

  • Making excuses, like not having enough money, because you don’t feel you deserve support

  • Struggling to keep up with deadlines and make simple decisions

  • Doing your best to convince yourself that stress and anxiety are normal

And I don’t need a crystal ball to tell me this isn’t working for you

Can you imagine…

Imagine picking up after the kids, repeating dinner instructions for the 3rd time, taking on a tough work deadline, or making a life-changing decision without losing your sh*t.

You’d have better relationships, be more productive, set better boundaries, make better choices, and feel more calmer, confident, and connected.

Feel calmer and confident so you can thrive even when life feels chaotic


Chaos to Calm

A 6-week program for bite-sized, easy-to-action techniques to manage stress and anxiety so you can thrive even when life feels chaotic.

1 MAY - 6 JUNE 2024

Are you ready to thrive even when life feels chaotic?

When you join Chaos to Calm today, you’ll get access to weekly LIVE calls, an online resource portal, a supportive community, and a 1:1 session with Jen.



What Kate said about Chaos to Calm

“You taught me how to take a step back and really evaluate who I am and what I want in life. I finally stopped listening to my inner critic. This was truly empowering, and when I needed to hear the hard stuff, you delivered it in such a nurturing caring way.”

Here’s what we’ll cover…

Module One

Balance the Mind

  • Understand the dynamics of stress

  • Learn how to conduct a stress audit

  • Discover how stress impacts your wellbeing, relationships, finances, and decisions

  • Explore techniques for creating a more balanced lifestyle

Module Two

Rewire the Subconscious Mind

  • Identify your current beliefs

  • Transform beliefs that may be contributing to stress

  • Learn how to self-coach emotion regulation to transition from reactivity to responsiveness

  • Practice letting go of control without being inhibited by anxiety

Module Three

Learn to Thrive

  • Discover daily rituals to support wellbeing

  • Apply techniques to help you move out of survival mode to experience growth and fulfilment across all aspects of your life

  • Learn to embrace challenges as opportunities for personal development

What makes Chaos to Calm different?


Chaos to Calm combines evidence-based practice with Eastern philosophies. You’ll be supported with high-quality resources, a community for cheerleading and accountability, and expert guidance from someone who’s actually walked the path before.

At the end of Chaos to Calm, you’ll have practiced techniques to navigate through life despite stress and anxiety and feel more confident to respond differently when stress and anxiety show up for you.

It’s your turn to thrive even when life feels chaotic

When you join Chaos to Calm today, you’ll get access to weekly LIVE calls, an online resource portal, a supportive community, and a 1:1 session with Jen.



In case you were thinking…

These topics make me nervous…

Experiencing nervousness while delving into unfamiliar subjects is entirely natural. This program aims to ease you through these explorations, offering support and resources to navigate any discomfort that may surface. Embracing the nerves and discomfort is often necessary for genuine growth and instigating change in your life.

I’m not comfortable investing so much in myself…

Allocating resources to your personal development is an incredibly potent investment. By placing emphasis on your own growth and wellness, you're establishing the groundwork for a life brimming with joy and fulfillment. Always keep in mind that you are truly deserving of every cent invested in yourself.

I don’t know if I have time…

It's completely understandable to feel apprehensive about committing time to a new program, especially when you're already juggling so much. However, investing time in yourself and your growth is crucial for long-term success and fulfillment. Take a moment to ask yourself “How can I carve out two hours per week just for me?” Remember, this program is designed to support you, and dedicating this time can have significant long-term benefits.

What if it doesn’t work?

Every individual's path is different, and progress varies from person to person. This program gives you the necessary tools, resources, and support to step toward your personal goals. Trust in the process and see each step forward as a triumph. Do this and you will get precisely what you need from the program.

I’m not sure about group coaching…

Our community exudes warmth, acceptance, and support. Here, you'll find like-minded women, all travelling similar paths, ready to provide encouragement and empathy at every turn. And it's truly remarkable how much progress can unfold when you're not navigating personal growth alone.


Nice to meet you. I’m Jen Parker

I experienced a very busy and anxious mind for most of my life.

The journey from stressed and anxious to calm, productive, and confident taught me several easy-to-use and highly practical techniques to support my mind and body.

I’ve designed Chaos to Calm based on these same techniques.

I want you to experience better mental, emotional, and physical well-being to thrive even when life gets chaotic.

Jennifer is a stress and anxiety coaching with diverse skills, including a Bachelor of Social Work, strength-based training, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), life coaching, Ayurveda wellness, and breathwork facilitation. With over 20 years of experience working with people, Jennifer is committed to empowering others to lead healthier, more balanced lives.

I want you to thrive even when life feels chaotic

When you join Chaos to Calm today, you’ll get access to weekly LIVE calls, an online resource portal, a supportive community, and a 1:1 session with Jen.

